Brain Gym & Touch for Health Course Booking

Booking BG & T4H

Getting to know you...

Please answer the following questions to help us give you the best experience on your course.

What decided you to enrol on this training?

Is there anything you would like us to bear in mind to help make this training as relaxing and supportive as possible?

How did you hear about Touch for Health or Brain Gym Training?

What knowledge/experience do you have of Touch for Health or Brain Gym?

What would you like to gain from attending the course(s)?

Are there any specific issues/ interests/questions you would like addressed on the course?

Have you any specific dietary requirements?

We provide a range snacks and refreshments for breaks. Lunch is not provided (feel free to use our kitchen, we have microwave, air fryer and ovens available)

If you have any dietary requirements, let us know below. We can cater for vegetarian/vegan/halal/kosher & dairy /gluten /sugar free diets

What happens next?

  • We will invoice you and full payment will be required by 7 working days before the course unless you have made arrangements to pay by instalments.
  • If you choose the instalment option, we will contact you to set up the arrangement using the GoCardless direct debit system.
  • The first payment will also be due 7 working days before the course. 
  • After you have clicked on the Complete Booking button below you will receive an email confirming these details and giving directions of how to get to us.